Another Saturday night…

14 / 365

Isn't the weekend great? Recently I've had a bit of an obsession with starting the weekend with pancakes and after a bit of experimentation with buttermilk pancakes, crepes, et al, I have decided that keeping it simple actually works for me! It means I can quickly crank out 6 pancakes – so enough to feed the two of us, and concentrate on enjoying my Saturday morning. So (if you're interested) my pancake ratio? 1 cup milk, 1 cup self raising flour, 1 egg, pinch of salt, mix, pour, cook. Think this may be Jamie Oliver inspired originally but can't recall. Works for me, covered in yoghurt, raspberries, bananas and cinnamon sugar. Nice.

Spent some time at the river today, sitting in the sun, reading and watching the water. Sometimes I find it strange living in a city where the river is the heart – coming from Auckland and having lived so long in Sydney – both of course, harbour cities, I always imagine in days gone by when the river served more of a purpose – merchants, tradesmen, travellers – such a different world. I imagine it would have felt al lot more like the Asian rivers where so much life and commerce exists on the river and it's banks.

Munich seems quiet tonight – perhaps it's just a bit early still?

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